Daily Thoughts

I just thought I would blog about my life right now, because I know you're just dying to know all about me! Just kidding. Anyway, I'm sick. Just a cold, I might be back to school by tomorrow even. Rehearsals for Secret Garden start next week! And also I'm seeing Wicked on Sunday in San Fransisco! Woo Hoo! I can't wait! I got my cell phone a week ago, it's awesome. It's an LG Slider, Sprint. It's my first phone. I love it! Two days ago was the read through for Secret Garden, it was really fun. It's gonna be a great show! Oh yeah, and the reason why I have a giant photograph of a random person holding the earth is...well, actually there is no reason. If your an actor/actress, you might be interested in auditioning at the open auditions at Camelot Theater To get all the info, go to this link; http://www.camelottheatre.org/templates/System/details.asp?id=39503&PID=505558 Well that's all i have to say for now I think! Hope to see you at the auditions! Break A Leg!

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